Types of Interpreting

What type of interpreting is right for your event?

Basically, there are two types of interpreting:
the simultaneous and the consecutive mode:

Simultaneous interpreting – the interpreter renders what has been said simultaneously (i.e. with a minimum time delay) into another language. Usually two interpreters per conference language share a sound-proof booth and take turns approx. every 30 minutes. Simultaneous interpreting has the great advantage that the subject matter can be interpreted into several languages at the same time, that there is no time delay due to the interpretation and that it is left up to the listeners themselves to decide whether or not to make use of the interpretation service.

Whisper interpreting - a variant of simultaneous interpreting requiring no technological equipment. The interpreter is placed next to or behind the listener/s whispering the verbal output into their ears. This type of interpreting is only advisable under exceptional circumstances. For acoustic reasons, a maximum of only two listeners per interpreter can be served. Especially for guided tours or similar situations, a portable sound transmission system is recommendable. In principle, this is another form of whisper interpreting. The advantage of this mode is that several persons can be served depending on the number of receivers available.

Consecutive interpreting - the interpreter first takes down notes while listening to a speaker’s statement or speech segment. He then transmits the message into the target language. Typical settings for consecutive interpreting are welcome addresses at receptions, dinner speeches or talks between small delegations.

When planning your event, consider that consecutive interpreting inevitably produces a time delay of up to 100%.

If you need more information as to what type of interpretation is suited best for your event and what technical equipment is required, don’t hesitate to contact me.